Source code for petri.dot_env

# coding=utf-8
"""`.env` file handling ."""

import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from dotenv import find_dotenv
from dotenv import load_dotenv

[docs]def init_dotenv() -> Optional[str]: """Loc n' load dotenv file. Sets the location for a dotenv file containig envvars loads its contents. Raises: FileNotFoundError: When the selected location does not correspond to a file. Returns: Location of the dotenv file. """ requested = os.environ.get("env_file") if requested: dotenv_path = Path(requested) else: candidate = find_dotenv(usecwd=True) if not candidate: return None dotenv_path = Path(candidate) if not (dotenv_path.exists() and dotenv_path.is_file()): raise IOError(f"Can't load {dotenv_path}") dotenv_str = str(dotenv_path) load_dotenv(dotenv_str) return dotenv_str